Our Services


ECG, Stress, Holter recording, Event recording, Patch extended recording, Ambulatory (24 hour) BP recording

Our experienced and growing team of cardiologists will interpret all cardiac tracings. Our ECG management system assists by automatically presenting previous tests of a patient allowing for easy comparison.

We facilitate the connection of your clinic to your favourite cardiologist. There are no restrictions. Introduce us and we will look after the logistics. Vacation coverage - no problem!

The experience and expertise of staff is critical in a Holter or Event scanning solution. We only hire certified cardiology technologists. Our staff are highly proficient and competent with experience in tertiary cardiology facilities.

Obsolescence, Reliability, Capability?

We have various options available for a mutually convenient upgrade pathway – with no upfront cost.
We will work with architects to design your lab, vendors to procure and install your equipment, and we will train your staff and your physicians in a paperless workflow.

Planetary Health

Less paper, less labour

It is no longer just good business, it is an ethical necessity.  Reduce your carbon footprint, and at same time reduce manpower required to shuffle paper.

Turn Around Times

Speed = Quality + Profitability?
Our systems drive quality and profitability for our clients.